Thursday, August 30, 2012

the game of aisoft for you who do not know what it is about

Alright airsoft is a sport and a hobby for some. but none the less it is were most of the time were two teams go head to head in some sort of envierment. That may be indoors like airsoft battle grounds in door feilds are most of the time smaller the out door feilds and are called CQB. cqb stands for close quarter combat engagements are closer then out door play. Engagements are when one or more players try to elmante the one or more opposing players. Out door play is called field. Field is played out doors it might be in the woods. It may have buildings or not.
 what you use to play this i will make a list
1. gun
2. face mask
3. gear (aka tac gear)
5.what your gun needs to work

alright the number one on the list a gun i will break them down in to different groups by how they work 
A aeg works off of energy from a battery. Aeg stands for automatic electric gun . they tend to be the most  type of gun on the playing field. They are cheap to use and the mags old more and are cheaper.

A gbb uses gas to operate the gun. gases that are used are green gas propane co2. Gbb stands for gas blow back. this what most pistols use and smgs and some rifles. but mags cost much more then a aeg mag 
Spring powered guns are the cheapest way to go but they have to be cocked before each shot. there are cheap spring powered pistols and there are cheap spring powered rifles. But there are spring powered sniper rifles they can be nice and very nice i am talking $800 + some people put in to them to make them last longer and shoot harder farther and what not.

the second thing on the list a face mask. a face mask is a must have to play it is what you use to keep your face looking the it is. oh and so you can still see. they run about $20 for one but can cost more.

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