Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Hi i am Nick aka boss

Alright this is a blog for all those hard core airsoft techs and players . What you will find here will be like tips and tricks and videos of a some sort of airsoft gear. that may be like tac gear (plate carriers B.D.Us, pouches and more), flash lights, magazines, sights, optics ( scopes, red dots, holos). Gun reviews. now a little about me well i have been playing for 5 years. Three of those years were back yard games and the outer 2 years are at Airsoft battle grounds. I started like most playing in a back yard with Big 5 guns. But when i started to get in to it i wanted something with more punch like a A.E.G (automatic electric gun) i will call that type of gun by aeg. Back on to topic i found sites like and and showed me the big world of airsoft these sites were filled to the brink with aeg, gbbs, gbbrs gear, parts for you gun, scopes i was sucked in just wanting to know more about how theses guns work and were i could play this not just in my back yard. Then i  found about this place called JF airsoft and paint ball a airsoft store in my town  i had to go and see what they had. Well lets say it was hard to get my mom or my dad to take me but after some time my mom gave in drove me there but would not go in. Well as soon as i walk in my head was filled with all sorts of questions. still to this day i still have questions. Then i wanted one of those guns on there wall but had no money so i work my ass off and it payed off. About 15 to 17 hours latter i had $125 to buy me one of those guns but the ones at JF were to much. Why well you see JF adds a one year warranty to there guns so that picks the price up some and them do not order the huge amount of guns like airsoft gi so they do not get that big of a discount so that picks up the price some to. Well if i wanted the same gun at Jf it would be like $160 instead of $125 so i bought the gun online. With that gun i kicked so much butt but my friends that played were starting to stop playing. And there came the year of not playing at all. At that time i did not know about Airsoft battle grounds and i think it was not even open yet. Then i met some guys that had airsoft guns but there parents did not let them play. So we shot at all sorts of thing cans, trees head sized targets and then we started to play but with no bbs. And a little latter we started to play. It was a blast running around in teams it was the best. but one time when i was in JF i found a flyer to this place called airsoft battle grounds.Then i went to there and it was so cool a indoor field set up like a building. plywood everywhere i loved it. So that is how i got to this day.

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